Success Stories

Case Study: Jean

Building Confidence and Practicing Courage as a Technical Leader

Client Background
Jean, a highly skilled technical leader, was known for her expertise in her domain. However, despite her technical prowess, she struggled with self-confidence and often hesitated to assert herself in leadership situations.


Jean’s challenge was not in her technical abilities but in her ability to communicate her ideas with confidence, influence stakeholders, and step into leadership opportunities without hesitation.
Coaching Journey with Liz
Jean engaged in coaching with me, seeking to bridge the gap between her technical excellence and leadership presence. The coaching sessions focused on building confidence, practicing courage, and developing an authentic leadership style that complemented her technical skills.
“Before working with Liz, I knew my technical skills were strong, but I struggled with asserting myself in leadership situations. Through coaching, I not only gained confidence but learned to embrace courage in my leadership journey. The transformation has been profound – I now lead with conviction, communicate effectively, and am excited about the growth opportunities that lie ahead.”
R&D Director, Defense

Strategies Employed

Self-Reflection and Awareness

Jean engaged in deep self-reflection to uncover the roots of her confidence challenges. This included exploring limiting beliefs and identifying strengths.

Courageous Conversations

Through a series of coaching exercises, Jean practiced having courageous conversations, expressing her ideas, and providing constructive feedback to her team.

Personalized Leadership Development Plan

A tailored leadership development plan was created, emphasizing specific actions and behaviors that would enhance Jean’s confidence and executive presence.

Outcomes and Achievements

Increased Self-Confidence

Jean experienced a noticeable boost in self-confidence, enabling her to share her insights in meetings, present to stakeholders, and take on leadership responsibilities with assurance.

Effective Communication

The coaching process refined Jean’s communication skills, allowing her to articulate complex technical concepts in a way that resonated with both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Leadership Presence

Jean developed a strong leadership presence, leading to increased trust and respect from her team and peers. Her ability to inspire confidence in others became a cornerstone of her leadership style.

Career Advancement

Jean’s newfound confidence and leadership presence positioned her for career advancement opportunities within the organization, opening doors to more influential roles.